
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Standardized Tests and Word Problems

Right now I am teaching a remedial math class for 3rd graders. With the big state standardized test around the corner, I was racking my brain trying to think of new and fun ideas to get them ready.

Years ago with my old 3rd grade math team we had put word problems around the room like a scavenger hunt. So I took this idea tried to expand on it.

I was given a resource of math problems that were similar to the test. BORING!! Both for the kids and me. I cut them apart, glue and laminated them, and made a worksheet to help them show their work and also cross out the wrong answer choices. This was on green so I gave it a "recycling/green" theme. I added a clock for the time problem. I also added the graph because I want them to write all over the graph to show their work. Ill tape the problems around the room and they can go find them and solve, or you can rotate them.

Then I became a little more creative (I use that word loosely) and involved the dicut machine. Since it is close to Easter and the bunny dicut was one of the largest. I glued the problem to the bunny. For the large problem, I used two. I also created a student response page (it is at school, not home for me to take a pic tonight, but it was really cute).

My final idea is an actual Easter egg hunt with word problems in the plastic eggs hidden around the classroom or outside if the weather permits. They can use notebook paper or teacher made response sheet and clipboards.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Facebook for news and free ideas

First: Thank you if you happen to be reading this.

Second: I apologize for not keeping up with the blog like I should. Facebook, Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers, and Teachers Notebook are filling up my time, along with my regular teaching job. (Websites can be great, but overwhelming). :)

I wanted to let you all know that I have been posting some great freebie links on my facebook page to share with everyone. Be sure to "like" my facebook page so you can get access to those right away.